

We have designed these tools so you can be self-sufficient in planning and managing your events. If you have questions that are not addressed by these tools, we would be happy to assist you. Please contact:

  • Alicia Morris, Director of Community Engagement – contact for events that include donors, community partners, advisory board members, or external constituents, 704-687-7737
  • Christine Young, Internal Events – contact for events that are limited to University employees, 704-687-7917
  • Gail Pankas, Events Coordinator, 704-687-5342
  • Wills Citty, Communications Director, 704-687-8192

Planning Resource Links

Other Marketing Links and Tools

Effective marketing involves the development of marketing strategies and marketing materials that appeal to your target audience and effectively communicate what your event entails.

Words to communicate the topic or focus of the event, along with the logistical details are important and should cover registration, parking, time of the event, dress code, and other items. Equally important can be visuals to further communicate with your audience.

When developing marketing materials, stay attentive to university branding guidelines and laws which may apply – such as U.S. Copyright Law and the Americans With Disabilities Act.

These links can help you consider relevant polices and laws. They also offer examples of the types of marketing materials you may wish to consider.